Your priority when purchasing insurance for automobiles for your business should be coverage rather than costs. Getting the right coverage to protect your business assets is the most important thing. Costs, though, certainly warrant consideration when every penny your business spends counts.
We understand that at Fraser Brothers and will work tirelessly to help you get the coverage you need for your business at a cost that won’t break the bank. You can do your part to keep costs down to with the following moves:
- Bundles Policies. The more policies you have with a single carrier, the greater the discounts available to your business will be.
- Improve Driver Safety Standards. This is a long-term commitment to reducing costs, but one that is highly effective. Safer drivers yield fewer risks for insurance providers who are generally willing to lower rates in return.
- Invest in GPS Tracking. GPS tracking provides an added layer of security for your business vehicles or fleet by increasing the odds of recovery in the event of an accident and lower your insurance costs accordingly.
- Raise Deductibles. This is a great way to reduce your monthly business auto insurance expense, but when incidents occur, the costs will be higher.
- Work with an Agent. Working with our agency will ensure you get all the discounts available to you. Contact us below: